Misc Write Ups and Downs

Wake up Sid : Friends with Benefit

Ayesha…. aish was walking towards him .. and a smile broader than the rainbow spread across his face .It always does to Sid … fill  him with joy , hope , cheer …and … love . May be it was the the way she walks when she approaches him .. or may be it was her eyes ..the look .. the gaze .. calm , steady and attentive .. but it would always charge Sid with life .. and he would wonder often what it is so magical that happens when Ayesh is around …may be it was the way she walks to him ..rhythmic , eager and fast … err .. not fast actually … but Sid could not stop this little change that was there today . The small amount of speediness in her .. is she fine ? Sid though as Ayesh was walking the last of her steps to him .

“SID . Who is this Ishan ? I mean i gathered it from facebook that he used to work with you .. but how can you tolerate him write such things onto our wall .. umm .. I mean our pics on your wall ?” Ayesh said it with a tone that went from firmer towards dry .
“Which ones dear ?”Sid asked perplexedly   tyring his best to remember which one of the comments that Ishan made on his pics might have angered Ayesha .And boy there were many of them from Ishan and from rest of his friends . It was an out pour of comments , some direct .. some short and some covert but “Comments” nevertheless ; showing cheer , surprise and tease on his birthday pics . Pics that were unapologetic declaration of their togetherness 🙂 . For some one as shy-handsome and introvert as Sid , it was a perfect FB moment . A moment of them breaking the news with everyone without saying it was a news .

“So”  and a long pause told Sid that Ayesha has guessed what is going on his mind by now . He would have otherwise felt blessed about this chemistry of theirs .. but when he has something to explain over an unknown matter …
“..Let me tell which one of the comment it is ..” Sid was tensed in anticipation the moment Ayesh said it .

”  ‘You seem to be picking all the good things at  Mumbai’ … what was that Sid ?”
“Well no .. Ayesh .. its not about you  Ishan said it ..” And the immediate stare from Ayesh had Sid explaining more
.. “I mean it was about you but not the way you mean ”
“My friends were pulling my legs … over the pics I posted .. you see that’s the sort of thing friends do …. I could have done little but stop them…and then why would I stop them in fact ?”
“That’s fine Sid .. but “picking up good things” .. that was not the sort of thing that is friendly banter. It almost sounded like he was praising you for the catch you have had here . Which in this case happens to be me . AND  I   OBJECT  TO  IT  ” . Ayesh was expressed .

“Thats not how it is Ayeasha .. its just that Ishan was happy to see me with you . I mean he was happy to finally see me with someone .. with you . Whats wrong in that sweetheart ?”
“There is Sid .. it tells us lot about what sort of attitude you guyz had towards girls . I wouldnot be shocked knowing that otherwise . But it also tells me that even you  see it that way”
“But i dont Ayesh .. you know that ”
“Well … umm .. then atleast you used to see it that way”
“Nooo … i din’t .. even Ishan doesnt see it that wat … but you know .. thats how guyz talk ”

“Sid . Its not as simple as that  . There must be things your guyz discussed , that plans you made , the desired you expressed to Ishan . And logically why else will he refer to me as good thing that you picked up  . Unlesse either he knows that you are good at picking things or he knows that you always wanted to pick a thing . Which one is it Sid ?”

“None” Sid said in void , by now it was going much against what he might have expected to happned moreover he did not expect it all to go in this direction ….
“See its not like this . You know all about me Jaan … its just that Ishan is happy to see me in a relationship finally . Who will not want his friends to be in relations and see them happy ?
Thats all there is to it .. may be Ishan was not very mindful of the words and that struck you .” Huff .. that was by far the best defence Sid could have put .

“Dont give me marketing speech Sid , thats what we are tought in the calss arent we ? And what is this…. Finally in a relationship ….that you said ?”
“Were you always trying to get into relationship and Ishan was you helper in them ? So I see …. now that you bagged it .. he is happy aint it ?”
“Nah Ayesha .. we dint have any plan like that … like .. you know .. guyz always discuss girls and flirt around..but relationship is something diff , nobody wants to plan getting into to a relationship and commit it .. you know that ..dont you ?”
“Well i know … but then .. what is it with the Finally sid …? was it that Ishan was always prompting you to get along with some girl and now that you are he is happy … is that how simple it is ?”
That was the simplest of sentence Ayesha had sid …
and Sid was shocked by the realization that the discussion is about to be closed ..
and where it is going to get closed was the thing that was the trouble for Sid .
“See .. he wished that I would be with someone … all frinds do … so now that I am into it he is happy about it . May be he said it in light manner but its not the sort of thigns that you are saying … thats not the sort of thigns i do .. thats not me Ayesha …”
That sort of sealed it for sid . Being plain and honest had always helpded him in life and it was the sort of thing that Ayeahs adored about Sid . So there was some clam on Ayesha’s face that relvied sid .. but it was not all clear yet .

“No sid … i know you … but there is something deeper here … Why is Ishan happy to see you finally in a relation ship ?
Is that he felt that you can not get into one … as if you are not capable of … or is it that he thinks that you should have been in relationship long time back ..
and now that finally you are he is happy .. I mean in both the cases the matter is worrying for me !
If i reflect upon them .. it tells me a lot about your being … and where i fit into the whole thing … into your life .

A smart,nice, handsome Enginner with a killer smile ..who is a readymade boyfriend material .. but for some reason .. he is never into a relationship !
What is that stopped him ?
Is it something to do with his personality .. his emotional quotient or is it that you are lying to be completely about you past ”
Ayesh said that .. all in one bearh without even blinking an eyelid . And sid stood there .. silenced .. bored ..irritated .. saddened and angared … all at the same time .

“See Ayesha .. your logic is fine . I should have been into relationships early on … but i was not …..Is that a problem ?
May be there was X thing wrong or Y factor wrong .. so what Ayesh …Now i am .. here with you .. happy… so why bother about it ….
and even if we do …. this is not a business case study … this is life … its our relationship for god’s sake.
May be there is some thing missing in me on a deeper analysis .. but that ok … we have rest of life to fix it ….
Why do you link Ishan’s casual remark on our photos with something so drastic ? Whats wrong in it that?
.. I being so eligible …fell into relationship so late …many people do …some people infact never are that lucky …so what Ayesha?
I never saw you with so much of analysis… so why you have to ? As destiny has it … we met … right here .. in our MBA collage ..and lady luck simled at us…
…. Now what ….You have problem with that?
Is it  that your mind is not able to accept that two good people can fall in love so late in their lives ?

“Ayesh .. how far you wish to carry your intellectual disbelif .. is up to you but i refuse to share that burden ” Sid said it with certanity and a strange calm returned to his face .

“AND..finally .. what Ishan said is how guyz talk .. its not about your respect or disrespect … but its about guyz cheering eachother over things in life..and this is how we do it in India ” .

economics Misc

The rehearsal of Global Currency crisis is over today 28/Sept/11

Asset across the board are rising today [27 Sept 2011] .Gold

What the news are not telling us is
that there was a mass scale liquidation that happened in last 3 days .
All assets including gold , oil , stock fell by massive % .

While the media was busy proclaiming that gold rally is ending and news
like that it did not for once tell us of the liquidation with the big L
that happened over the weekend .

Oh yes there was flight to safety towards USD . But from where and why ?
It was from European banks .

You might have read news that central banks of various countries are creating dollar funding facilities for EU banks .

There was also a news few days before that French banks are struggling for funding .

Also that Siemens moved its 500 million Euro into ECB account .

Connecting many dots like this . What we just witnessed is liquidity
squeeze on European banks , including those not from PIIGS nations .

Without getting into reasons and ethics of this . The point is it was a
controlled rehearsal of grand scale on what bank aka currency crisis will
look like .

Now news are flashing that all markets are up on euro optimism . I feel they are right . With this grand rehearsal there ought to be some TARP like bailout announced by EU and ECB . Which can effectively lead to rally . How long that will go on , we dont know for sure . But end it will in very short time is sure .

A country that have debt in multiple of its GDP spends equally big amount in interest payments on that debt . So crack such an economy is a must . Either by devaluation of massive kind or by default . Take your pick .

Misc Poems

Marathi Poem : काळ प्रसवला

काळ प्रसवला भिंतीमाधुनी
उमलले एक रोप
हृदयाकारी पाने इवली
नाजूक अन निकोप ||1||

खडकांमध्ये थरार त्याच्या
आश्वस्त स्थितप्रध्य्नेचा
आता सरली भीती माझी
असतील काळीजही भिंतींना ||2||

~ मूळ इंग्रजी कविता ऋता पराडकर ह्यांची . अनुवाद सचिन दिक्षित .
contact ruta at

The ancient wall cracked…

And then emerged,

A heart-shaped leaf…

So soft, so gentle…

But rooted in its convictions…

Held strong in the boulders…

It amazed me…

Walls don’t scare me anymore…

They might even have a heart…

economics Misc

RBI is asking feedback on Ur Bank : Please speak

Reserve Bank of India ( RBI ) had formed a committee to form a report customer service on Indian Banks .Now the report has been made public on 3rd August .RBI has also invited
comments from public on the proposals made in the report .We all need to welcome such customer friendly measures
and contribute to it.

The main features of the this report according to RBI site is as follows .

  • Creation of a toll free common bank call number
  • Providing plain vanilla savings account without prescription of minimum balance
  • Setting up of third party Know Your Customer (KYC) data bank
  • Prescription of service charges for basic services
  • Providing small remittances at reasonable price
  • Providing floating rate housing loans on a non-discriminatory basis
  • Compensation for delayed return / loss of title deeds in the custody of banks
  • Zero liability against loss in ATM and online transactions
  • Enhancement of DICGC cover up to  ` 5,00,000
  • Prepaid instruments up to  ` 50,000/- for frequent travellers
  • Differential merchant discount / fee for debit cards
  • Self-personalisation of cards enabling customer to fix limits / area of operation / activation for international use
  • Instant blocking of ATM card through SMS -BLOCK for lost / misused cards
  • Transition to chip based card (EMV) with photograph
  • Chief customer service officer (CCSO) for grievance redressal in every bank
  • Submission of life certificate for pensioners in any Core Banking Solution (CBS) branch
  • Automatic updation of senior citizen status in CBS
  • Financial inclusion through branch expansions in the North -East
  • Moving towards paperless fund transfers
  • Ensure fulfillment of the tenets of customer service through inspections.
The team was mandated to cover following items in their scope
” fair treatment, improvement in the service to pensioners, attitude of the bank staff towards the small and rural customers, service charges and  fees, loans, transparency in operations, grievance redressal, promptness in service, education and information on new products, services, customer rights, expectations etc “.
The charter of this report is about the end customer I urge each
one of the common man to give their feedback .All it takes is a 5
minutes for writing an email .

An individual can submit such a feedback in following manner .

  1. Send email to :
  2. Send Post to following address : Chief General Manager, Customer Service
    Department, Reserve Bank of India, Central Office, Amar Building, First
    Floor, Sir P.M. Road, Mumbai-400001
  3. Send fax to 91-22-22630482 / 22631744

It should be noted that there is no formal format for giving feedback .
You can read the complete report at  .

Misc Poems

Hindi Poem : सुना है अब केदारनाथ बंद है

सुनो ऐ, सुना है अब केदारनाथ बंद है ? बारिश आई थी कुछ दिन पहले
या शायद झटक दिया मैय्यानेआँचल बाच्चेकी नादानी पर ॥१॥

बर्फ पिघली थी , इंसानियत जम गयी,पहाड़ बह निकले , लाशे ढेर बन पड़ी
बम बम बोला कण कण ,तो छोड़ चला भक्तो को ,सृष्टिसे मिलने शिव ॥२॥

ऐ सुनो, सूना अब केदारनाथ है , शायद नया धुढना पडेगा एक धाम
कहा मिलेगा वो शिवरूप हमको ,परम कल्याण हो जिसका काम ॥३॥

देहलीमैं है एक ज्योति , अमर ,जवान ,उनकी जो जन गण के लिए दे दिए प्राण
हां यही तो हैं शंकर ,यही भोले , ये शिव गंगाधर , चन्द्रमौलि , भुजन्ग्धारी साम्ब॥४॥

यही,वो जिनका क्रोध कल्याणकारी , यही धारण करे विष , त्रिपुरांतकारी
इसे बनाये धाम ,लगाये मेले , खेलें, हो केदारनाथ प्रसन्न, आश्वस्त मंदाकिनी||५||

Misc Write Ups and Downs

Deposit Rates from PSU banks

Why this Post :
We are in extraordinary times since the deposit rates are back again to 10 % . 10 is a number around which economist predict a recession ahead , especially for a growing economy such a number is a huge anomaly . Economics aside any rate of interest above 8 is considered good return on investment . What i attempted here is to consolidate the rates offered by Indian PSU banks on term deposits and recurring deposits . It will be a great idea to keep small amount in long term FD or better still open an RD of long tenure for kids or other planned expenses 🙂 .

This post was created to make a starting point for your decision making .

Some points to consider .
1. FDs and RD’s can be put as collateral against loan (usually .5 % high that FD rate ) .
2. Senior citizens are offered half a percent more rate of interest ! You may put money on names of your parent completely or you may open a joint FD with your parents name as first and yours as second . In this case you will get rate applicable to senior citizen and you will still hold legal claim on the FD .
3. Some banks started to offer floating rate FDs , which personally dis favour (FD and insurance should be simple) .
4. RBI may hike rates again so don’t park it all .

A good strategy is to split your desired amount into 3 or 4 parts and create FDs of 6 month , 1 year and 2 year duration . This way in case of need you are not forced to break the entire big FD for urgent need . If all goes well then you can keep on rolling the short term FDs . One need to work out parts and duration on his / her personal need .

Limitation of this Post : .
1. Banks generally offer different rates for deposits of below 1 lakh , 1 to 15 lakh and above 1 crore . Its better to check at branch for such caps .
2. Different banks offer diff penalty for premature withdrawal , this post does not cover that .
3. Since the environment is competative , your bank may offer a limited period higher rate under some scheme .
4. Private sector bank and co-operative banks are not considered .

Public Sector Banks
Sr.No Public Sector Banks Web Site
1 Allahabad Bank
2 Andhra Bank
3 Bank of Baroda
4 Bank of India
5 Bank of Maharashtra
6 Canara Bank
7 Central Bank of India
8 Corporation Bank
9 Dena Bank
10 IDBI Bank Limited
11 Indian Bank
12 Indian Overseas Bank
13 Oriental Bank of Commerce
14 Punjab & Sind Bank
15 Punjab National Bank
16 State Bank of India
17 Syndicate Bank
18 UCO Bank
19 Union Bank of India
20 United Bank of India
21 Vijaya Bank


Allahabad Bank :


Tenor Existing Interest Rate

p.a. (%)

 Revised Interest Rate p.a. (%)

(w.e.f. 18.02.2011)

For below

Rs. 1 cr

For Rs.1 cr to less than

Rs. 5 cr

For below

Rs. 1cr

For Rs.1 cr to less than Rs. 5 cr
7 days to 14 days 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50
15 days to 29 days 4.00 2.75 4.00 2.75
30 days to 45 days 4.00 3.00 4.00 3.00
46 days to 60 days 5.00 4.00 5.00 4.00
61 days to 90 days 5.00 4.00 5.00 4.00
91 days to 179 days 6.00 5.75 6.00 5.75
180 days to 269 days 7.00 6.25 7.00 6.25
270 days to 364 days  7.50* 6.50  7.75* 7.25
1 year to less than 2 years    8.00** 7.25    8.75** 8.50
2 years to less than 3 years 8.25 6.00 8.50 8.00
3 years to less than 5 years 8.25 6.00 8.50 7.75
5 years and upto 10 years 8.25 6.00 8.00 7.50


Andhra Bank :


  Sr No.     Maturity Period Rates of interest (%) per annum
Less than Rs.15.00 Lacs Rs.15.00 Lacs  to

< Rs.1.00 crore

Rs.1 crore  to   < Rs.2.00 crore Rs.2 crore  to

Rs.10.00 crore


Rs.10.00 crore

1 7 days to 14 days # 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50
2 15 days to 45 days 3.50 3.50 3.50 4.50 4.50
3 46 days to 90 days 4.00 4.00 4.00 5.25 5.25
4 91 days to 119 days 6.75 6.75 7.75 7.75 7.75
5 120  to 179 days 6.75 6.75 7.75 7.75 7.75
6 6 months to < 1 year 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00
7 1 year to < 16 months 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.50 9.00
8 16 months to < 33 months 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.50 9.25
9 33 months to < 3 years 8.50 8.50 8.50 9.50 8.50
10 3 years to < 5 years 8.60 8.60 8.60 9.50 8.60
11 5 years to 10 years 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00


Bank of Barod  :


Maturity Range Deposit [Per Annum]

less than 1 crore

7 days to 14 days 4.00%
15 days to 45 days 4.00%
46 days to 90 days 4.00%
91 days to 180 days 6.25%
181 days to 270 days 7.00%
271 days & above but less than one year 7.50%
1 year and upto 443 days 9.00%
Baroda Utsav Deposit scheme (444 days) 9.35%
– 445 – days and upto 3 years 9.00%
Above 3 years upto 10 years 8.50%


Bank of India :

Maturity For deposits less thanRs. 15 lakh For deposits Rs. 15 lakh & above but less than Rs. 1 Cr. For deposits of Rs. 1 Cr. and above but less than Rs. 5 Cr. For deposits of Rs. 5 Cr. & above
























07 days to 14 days * 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50
15 days to 30 days 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75
31 days to 45 days 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00
46 days to 90 days 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
91 days to 179 days 6.25 7.00 6.25 7.00 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25
180 days to 269 days 7.25 8.00 7.25 8.00 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75
270 days to 364 days 7.50 8.00 7.50 8.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00
1 Year to less than 2 Yrs except 555 days 8.75 9.00 8.75 9.00 9.50 on  20.05.2011 will be declared daily) 9.50 on 20.05.2011 (will be declared daily)
555 days # 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.25
2 Years to less than 3 Years 8.25 8.25 8.00 8.00 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25
3 Years to less than  5 years except for 1111 days 7.75 7.75 7.75 7.75 7.25 7.25 7.25 7.25
1111 Days ** 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25
5 years to less than 8 years 7.00 8.50 7.00 8.50 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00
8 years to 10 Years  and above 7.00 8.75 7.00 8.75 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00


Bank of Maharashtra :


Duration For amount less than  Rs 1 Cr. For amount

Rs 1 Cr. to Rs 5 Cr.

rates w.e.f. 10.01.11
rates w.e.f. 16.05.11
rates w.e.f. 10.01.11
rates w.e.f. 16.05.11
7 days to 14 days 2.50 4.00 2.50 6.25
15 days to 30 days 3.50 4.00 3.50 6.25
31 days to 45 days 4.00 4.00 4.00 6.25
46 days to 60 days 5.00 5.00 5.00 6.50
61 days to 90 days 5.00 5.00 5.00 6.75
91 days to 180 days 6.50 6.50 6.50 7.00
181 days to 270 days 7.25 7.25 7.25 7.25
271 days to less than 1 year 7.25 7.25 7.25 7.25
One Year or 365 days 8.55 8.55 9.00 9.00
Over 1 year to less than 3 years 8.55 8.55 8.30 8.30
3 years (Mahalaxmi Term Deposit) 8.60 9.00 8.30 8.30
Over 3 years to 5 years 8.30 8.60 8.30 8.30
Over 5 years 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00



Canara bank :


Term Deposits ( All Maturities) For Deposits Less than  Rs.1 crore For Deposits

Rs.1 crore  &

above to less than Rs.10 crore #

General Public Senior Citizen
7 days to 14 days ** 4.00 4.50 5.00
15 days to 30 days 4.50 5.00 5.00
31 days to 45 days 4.50 5.00 6.25
46 days to 90 days 5.50 6.00   7.50 *
91 days to 179 days 7.00 7.50   8.00 *
180 days to 269 days 8.00 8.50   8.25 *
270 days to less than 1 year 8.00 8.50   8.25 *
1 year & above to 554 days 9.10 9.60   9.10 *
555 days 9.25 9.75 9.10
556 days & above to less than 2 years 9.10 9.60   9.10 *
2 years & above to 999 days 9.00 9.50   9.00 *
1000 days 9.00 9.50 9.00
1001 days & above to less than 3 years 9.00 9.50   9.00 *
3 years & above to 1199 days 8.50 9.00 8.50
1200 days 9.00 9.50 9.00
1201 days & above to less than 5 years 8.50 9.00 8.50
5 years & above to less than 8 years 8.75 9.25 8.75
8 years & above to 10
9.00 9.50 8.75
*  Rates offered on daily basis. Contact the nearest


Central Bank of India :Not Given !


Corporation Bank :

MATURITY PERIOD For Deposits upto & including Rs. 15
For Deposits above Rs.

15 Lakhs but less than

Rs.1 Crore #

07 DAYS TO 14 DAYS @ 1.00 1.00
15 DAYS TO 29 DAYS 3.50 3.50
30 DAYS TO 45 DAYS 5.00 5.00






61 DAYS TO 90 DAYS 5.50 5.50
91 DAYS TO 120 DAYS 6.50 6.50
121 DAYS TO 179 DAYS 7.00 7.00
180 DAYS TO 270 DAYS 8.00 8.00
271 DAYS TO 364 DAYS 8.00 8.00
365 DAYS 9.00 9.00
366 DAYS TO LESS THAN 2 YEARS 9.25 9.25


 9.25 9.25
8 YEARS & UP TO 10 YEARS 8.75 8.75

Dena Bank


MATURITY PERIOD For Deposits upto & including Rs. 15 lakhs For Deposits above Rs.

15 Lakhs but less than

Rs.1 Crore #

07 DAYS TO 14 DAYS @ 1.00 1.00
15 DAYS TO 29 DAYS 3.50 3.50
30 DAYS TO 45 DAYS 5.00 5.00






61 DAYS TO 90 DAYS 5.50 5.50
91 DAYS TO 120 DAYS 6.50 6.50
121 DAYS TO 179 DAYS 7.00 7.00
180 DAYS TO 270 DAYS 8.00 8.00
271 DAYS TO 364 DAYS 8.00 8.00
365 DAYS 9.00 9.00
366 DAYS TO LESS THAN 2 YEARS 9.25 9.25


 9.25 9.25
8 YEARS & UP TO 10 YEARS 8.75 8.75





Tenor Upto 15 Lac (%) Above Rs.15 lakh upto Rs.1 cr (%)
15-45 days 4.50 4.50
46-90 days 6.50 6.50
91 days – < 6 months 7.75 7.75
6 months- 269 days 8.15 8.15
270 days- 1 year 8.50 8.50
1 year 1 day-499 days 9.00 9.00
**500 days 9.50 9.50
501 days 9.00 9.00
> 501 days – 5 yrs 9.25 9.25
>5 yrs-7 yrs 9.25 9.25
>7 yrs – 10 yrs 9.00 9.00


Indian Bank




Period  Upto Rs 5 Crore
7days to 14 days 6.25
15 days to 29
30 days to 45
46 days to 90
91days to 120
121 days to 180
181 days to less
than 9 months
9 months to less
than 1 year
1 year to 3 years 9.25
Above 3 years 9.00


Indian Overseas Bank :


up to Rs.25 lakhs > Rs.25 lakhs to

< Rs. 1 cr

Rs.1 Cr to

< Rs 5 Crs

Rs. 5 crs and above
7 days – 14 days (only for single deposit of Rs.1.00 lakh
and above)
4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50
15 days – 29 days 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50
30 days – 45 days 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25
46 days – 60 days 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25
61 days – 90 days 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25
91 days – 120 days 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00
121 days – 179 days 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00
180 days – 269 days 7.25 7.25 7.25 7.25
270 days -332 days 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50
333 days (#) 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25
334 days – < 1 year 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50
1 Yr – 443 days 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.25
444 days(#) 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.25
445-554 days 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.25
555 days (#) 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.25
556 days -<2yrs 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.25
2 Yrs -to999 days 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.25
1000 days(#) 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.25
1001 days- 3 Yrs 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.25
> 3 Yrs – < 5 Yrs 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.25
5 Yrs & above 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00





period (Buckets)
Term Deposits less than Rs. 15 Lacs Term Deposits of Rs. 15 Lacs and above but less than Rs.1Crore Term Deposits of Rs. 1 Crore & above
7 days to 14 days 4.00% 4.00% 4.00%
15 days to 30 days 4.50% 4.50% 4.50%
31 days to 45 days 5.00% 5.00% 5.00%
46 days to 90 days 5.75% 5.75% 5.75%
91days to 179 days 7.00% 7.00% 8.75%
180 days to 269 days 8.00% 8.00% 8.75%
270 days to less than 1 Year 8.00% 8.00% 9.00%
1 year to less than 2 years 9.25% 9.25% 9.50%
2 years to less than 3
9.25% 9.25% 9.25%
3 years to less than 5 years 9.00% 9.00% 9.00%
5 years to 10 years 8.75% 8.75% 8.75%


Punjab and Sindh Bank :




Effective From 29.04.2011

Maturity UPTO Rs 15 lac Above Rs 15 lac to Rs 1 Crore Above Rs. 1 Crore to 5 Crore
7 – 14 Days 4.00# 4.00 4.00
15 – 30 Days 4.50 4.50 4.50
31 – 45 Days 4.50 4.50 7.25
46 – 90 Days 6.50 6.50 7.75
91 – 179 Days 7.50 7.50 8.25
180 -269 Days 8.25/ 8.75* 8.25/ 8.75* 8.30
270 – 364 Days 8.75 8.75 8.75
1 Year-2 Years 9.00/ 9.55** 9.00/ 9.55** 9.30
Above 2 Years – <3 Years 9.25/ 9.60*** 9.25/ 9.60*** 9.25
3 Years – 5 Years 9.05 9.05 9.50
>5 years – 10 years 8.75 8.75 9.50






Sl. No Period Below Rs. 1 Crore Rs. 1 Cr. To Rs. 10 Cr.
1 7 to 14 days 4.00 4.00
2 15 to 45 days 4.50 4.50
3 46 to 60 Days 5.50 6.00
4 61 to 90 Days 5.50 7.50
5 91 to 179 days 7.00 8.00
6 180 days to 270 Days 8.00 8.50
7 271 days to less than 1 year 8.00 8.50
8 1 year 9.00 9.00
9  More than 1 year to 554 Days 9.00 8.75
10 555 Days 9.05 8.75
11 556 Days to < 2 years 9.00 8.75
12 2 years to 999 Days 9.00 8.50
13 1000 Days 9.15 8.50
14 1001 Days to < 3 years 9.00 8.50
15 3 years to 1110 Days 8.50 8.50
16 1111 Days 9.25 8.50
17 1112 Days to < 5 Years 8.50 8.50
18 5 years to 10 years 8.75 8.75





Tenors Existing
w.e.f. 14.02.2011
7 days to 14 days 4.00 7 days to 14 days 6.25
15 days to 45
5.00 15 days to 45
46 days to 90
5.50 46 days to 90
91 days to 180
6.00 91 days to 180
181 days to less
than 1 year
7.75 181 days to less
than 1 year
1 year to 554
8.25 1 year to 554
555 days 9.25 555 days 9.25
556 days to less
than 2 years
8.25 556 days to less
than 2 years
2 years to 999
8.75 2 years to 999
1000 days 9.25 1000 days 9.25
1001days to less
than 3 years
8.75 1001days to less
than 3 years
3 year to less
than 5 years
8.25 3 year to less
than 5 years
5 years to less
than 8 years
8.50 5 years to less
than 8 years
8 years and up to
10 years
8.75 8 years and up to
10 years


Syndicate Bank :

Period of Deposit Existing rates of


w.e.f. 02.05.2011

(%) p.a.

Revised rates of


w.e.f. 06.05.2011

(%) p.a.

7 days to 14 days * 3.50 3.50
15 days to 30 days 4.00 4.00
31 days to 45 days 4.50 4.50
46 days to 90 days 5.50 5.50
91 days to 120 days 6.60 7.00
121 days to 180 days 7.50 8.00
181 days to  269 days 8.00 8.50
270 days to  364 days 8.50 9.00
1 year to 439 days 9.25 9.55
440 days 9.35 9.75
441 days to less than 2 years 9.25 9.55
2 years to less than 3 years 9.25 9.50
3 years to 5 years(inclusive) 9.25 9.50
Above 5 years & up to 10 years 9.25 9.50


UCO Bank :


Revision in Rate w.e.f. 11.4.2011
Maturity Period General For Senior Citizen
Interest Rate in %  p.a. Annualised Yield in % Interest Rate in %  p.a. Annualised Yield in
Days up to 14 days
5.00 5.00 5.75 5.75
DaysLess than Rs.15 Lac
5.00 5.00 5.75 5.75
RS.15 lac and up to
5.00 5.00 5.75 5.75
DaysLess than RS.15 LAC
6.00 6.00 6.75 6.75
RS.15 lac and up to
6.00 6.00 6.75 6.75
daysLess than RS.15 LAC
6.75 6.75 7.50 7.50
RS.15 lac and up to
6.75 6.75 7.50 7.50
DaysLess than RS.15 LAC
7.00 7.00 7.75 7.75
RS.15 lac and up to
7.00 7.00 7.75 7.75

Less than RS.15 LAC

7.75 7.75 8.50 8.50
RS.15 lac and up to
7.75 7.75 8.50 8.50
DatsLess than RS.15 LAC
8.25 8.33 9.00 9.10
RS.15 lac and up to
8.25 8.33 9.00 9.10
YearLess than RS.15 LAC
9.00 9.31 9.50 9.84
RS.15 lac and up to
9.00 9.31 9.50 9.84
than 1 year but up to 2 yrs.Less than RS.15 LAC
9.25 9.55 9.75 10.11
RS.15 lac and up to
9.25 9.55 9.75 10.11
2 yrs and up to 3 trsLess than RS.15 LAC
9.00 9.74 9.50 10.33
RS.15 lac and up to Rs.5.crores 9.00 9.74 9.50 10.33
3 year and less than 5 yearsLess than RS.15 LAC
9.00 10.20 9.50 10.84
RS.15 lac and up to
9.00 10.20 9.50 10.84
years and aboveLess than RS.15 LAC
9.00 11.21 9.50 11.98
RS.15 lac and up to
9.00 11.21 9.50 11.98
Days up to 14 days
5.00 5.00 5.75 5.75


Union Bank of India :

Less than Rs. 15
Rs.15 lacs
to  < Rs. 1 cr.
Tenor  Rs. 1
cr.  <  Rs. 10  Crs.
4.00  4.00 7-14
4.75 4.75 15-45
5.25 5.25 46
to  90 days
7.00 7.00 91 days <
6 Months
8.00 7.75 6
Months  < 9 Months
8.25 8.15 9
Months < 1 Yr
9.25 9.15 1 yr
< 5yrs
9.40 9.00 5 yrs. 8.75
9.40 8.50  >
5 yrs   < 8  yrs.
8.50 8.50 8
Yrs to 10 Yrs


United Bank of India :



Sl. No. Period of Deposit Revised Rates w.e.f

21st Mar. 2011

Other than Sr. Citizen Addl. Rate for Sr. Citizen
1 7 days to 14 days 3.50 0.00
2 15 days to 29 days 4.50 0.00
3 30 days to 45 days 4.50 0.00
4 46 days to 60 days 5.50 0.00
5 61 days to 90 days 5.50 0.00
6 91 days to 180 days 6.50 0.00
7 181 days to 269 days 7.25 0.00
8 270 days to less than 1 year 8.25 0.00
9 1 year to less than 2 years 9.00 0.75
10 2 years & less than 3 years 9.00 0.75
11 3 years & less than 5 years 9.25 0.75
12 5 years and above 9.25 0.75



Misc Poems

Sachin Tendulkar : देव सांडला सांडला

सांडला सांडला ,देव सांडला सांडला

देवाघरचा उचलून आता बाजरी मांडला  ||1||

देवाचा पराक्रम भारी ,देव भक्तांचा प्यारा

नैवेद्या लाथी मारून का चरतोस चारा ? ||2||

देवा चे उंची थोर, मनगटी भारी जोर

भक्तांना दूर सोडून देव गळी लावी चोर ||3||

देव झाला का व्यवहारी, देवा तू का रे व्यापारी

सोडून ध्यानसाधना अगा झाला व्यभिचारी ! ||4||

देव भागतान पोसला , तेना जपणे तू शिक

नकोरे हे देवपण … असे कवडीमोल वीक ||5||

देवा देवपण आगळे, दैवात्वाचे रच सोहळे

वेळ आलीयासी भारी ,जप आपले सोवळे||6||

Misc Write Ups and Downs

Wake Up Sid : The End

A man in group of people , any group .. is vulnerable . People around us affect us .They can expand our chances or limit them . Careers most of pains come from denial of this fact .
On the contrary its very empowering to accept that we are vulnerable . Then our assumption of security or insecurity practically vanish . Whether it’s a Freshers starting his career or some one holding a role , happiness at work or absence of it , it not a function of ones boss or company or technology but how one deals with the vulnerability .Often its very empowering to accept it. The realization does not change any thing but make our choices wiser .

So if there is a conclusion that Java, Spring , MBA will secure anything or absence of them makes someone weak then the conclusion is very short lived . Given the complexity built up that is there around us , the race not for a programming language or onsite money but to stay relevant . Just like mobile phones ,what was sufficient yesterday is not happening tomorrow .And the pursuit of relevance is a very personal battle .

A guru is supposed to shape a man to his best . But that concept was lost when we industrialized . Its then very important to know that the concept of supervisor is for mass production .Master pieces are created by individuals . Being fundoo if that is the goal someone has, then the answer lies inside .A company or boss can at max give you time opportunity for it .

When Toffler wrote his books , he dint know it will apply to IT careers so correctly … When the change is fast the only career skill and advice that’s needed is to keep yourself sane and normal all along the journey !

___________________________________________________ The End _____________________________________________________________

If DCH was a generational movies for my age of people , wake up sid carried the same significance for this generation of youngsters . DCH was about how 3 friends discover their own place in the affairs of the world around them .Wake up Sid was the opposite .It was about an individual finding place for the world around him in his affairs (no pun intended 🙂 .

The days of someone telling an inspiring quote to a fresher and see it working were over . It was of no use to tell a fresher that hard work is key to success or any simple funda like that ….The demand was for simpler and direct answers ..

Wake up sid – the Finacle Pune Ops Council initiative did not attempt to give those answers but to raise some questions that could give these answers .Todays post is the only one which is philosophizing it  . The initiative ends here , with my last day . Hope it had helped in some way or the other .

As a matter of creativity , I might find time to write stories in future and those can be checked at

Notes :
Complexity built up was a term I coined last year . The challenge was to come up with a simplest explanation of why 60+ people were not able to operate smart phone . It took me quite to time to phrase the answer that they dint understand the concept of menu options ! But to a kid going in school it comes as natural .And that is a classic case of how complexity built up shapes people’s ability to do things and to some extent archive success .And that applies to IT work too, programming being a case in point .If one sees the evolution of java and J2EE in particular , its becomes very clear that so much has been made simple that it all sounds trivial .Spring if you understand makes it even dumber to write an application .That’s what frameworks are written for … It was then shocking to see Sid’ fret over not being able to work in Spring or Hibernate ! The same case of Java can be extent to other language or aspect of work , but that’s not the point .
As the complexity builds up , what was fundoo yesterday becomes basic today . This is where specialization comes in . And specialization not about whether people call you expert in something but about being selective and focused in one thing . The problem with having more choices that it becomes tough to be a generalist and simple to be specialist . But this very truth was seen by Sid’ as if someone is up to restrict his growth .It was case fighting where no villains existed .


economics Misc

Genesis of currency crisis

Genesis of currency crisis

Part 1 : The Economic Pyramid

Earlier ppl would do farming and barter for things they need .

Then we progressed to industrial era and started producing stuff and exchanged these stuff via money aka currency . Then come the services era where no money was exchanged . But values were added to existing things . Consider your wedding planner , portfolio counselor etc . This sort of graduation has two implications for common man .
1. He has to buy far more things than what he produces .
2. He has less control on these things .

This tiny looking thing however had big impact on the social behaviour . We can say that money had to be invested so that all of above is possible or say money made all this progression possible .

Part 2 :  The new economic master

Master are always there , from animal kingdom to MR market . Just in the pre-industrialized era there was feudalism which controlled the daily life of the peasants . So when we graduated to industrial era there was nothing new that happened in this arrangement . However somewhere in between the monopolization happened . Things like patent , advertising , alliances etc moved from the benevolent ideals to that of controlled regimen . What happened with that is the free spirit features of democracy process went off . The freedom to invent and prosper , the freedom to choose and compete became more of illusion that reality .
Now look at the 2 implications i told you above . Here we realize the absolute control the newer masters get .
Coming to latest era , if you see the items that are in inflation index , we will realize that a common man needed less of these things than he does now . SIM, DVD, typing , travel , AC etc . Services touch more aspects of our life than it used to earlier . So while we debate on inclusive growth etc , we need to realized that the system was created in the way where consumers are not left with options .. We simply do not have option to remained linked to production economy and still progress !
So what it results is gradual moving up the chain of everything . Things that were agriculture/skill based move to production and then move to service ..
Consider the progression from buying wheat to buying Packaged aata to buying packaged chappati ! Lets do that to all items around us or in the inflation index list and we see that we have lesser choice that the illusion of progress tells us . At the same time it also ensures that the company that facilitates this progression grows exponentially ! That’s why rich grow richer ..
Consider .. Pepsi/Coke which brought mineral water era … Maggi .. Soap/detergent makers .. ah toothpaste ppl .. ( few ppl realize that legal cases can be fought on hand written paper !) ..

Part 3 : The Mathematical Derivative .

If you analyze the past 2 part you see that we moved from natural and original to enchanted paradigm .(See the original BIS file here :dt1920a)
In maths we have this phenomenon called as derivative .. and one of the most interesting phenomenon then is .. the further you differentiate an expression the more you approach zero .

When you look at the financial meaning of such economic shit you see that we have reached the final stage ..
What started as barter .. got derived into money ( on a trust value )…
What started as production sharing for derived as equity ..
and there on we moved to FnO types derivatives …
Then we put join differentiation on the equities as CDO and CDS

and you know the last number we can get from such stepping down or cross stepping maths … is Currency …

Currency and its value .. which is generally expressed via exchange rate is the last stop .

If we try and differentiate that further via any thing .. any measure .. scheme .. agreement .. we land onto zero which in this case means nothing .. this is where the numbers start disobeying us ..
So all this competitive currency devaluation , QE etc .. is dead end .. if it doesn’t stop as a progression … then the govt will have to also find a way to keep us all in psyched state (which could be a war ) ..

Part 4 : Concluding remarks .

When tarp was started at that time at least the US govt had a recession and housing crisis to defend . Now for QE 2 , things are taken for granted to such an extent that Govt blatantly says that we need this stimulus to progress the economy …

Why ? there is no consideration to it ..

So there is no end to this QE 2 . Govt in deficit can`t print their way out via debt . Its the death bed of currency . What it means is the QE will not stop when all the Default swaps are absorbed and the economy can stand on its own .. Which is like Govt standing as party of all the transactions made in 2000-2008 era .. So in effect there is no end . IF this QE is allowed to happen then we are in for huge multiple for any numbers we use in daily life . Esp considering that US is not know to be slow and steady the QE will generate enough shocks 6 months after its allowed .. and will continue till doesn`t exhaust the currency . So unless US and world economies take fundamentalist approach in the QE .. there is no way out .. (We need some sort of QE since public has to be manged).

Which brings me to the basic point .. that the QE 2 us make or never kind of situation for economies on earth .

Which in essence .. is to say that its not currency crisis .. its actually crisis of reserve currency .. Anything we see things moving to that solution the Bull market will be born .. till then ..
Abort …

Additional note

The baby sitting example is very useful one.
Say i baby sit your kid and later you do mine . Both of us save unknown amount of money . But in open market both of us have to pay 2000 rs a month .
Where do i get this money from ?
I have to earn it from my work . And here my employer/company controller my unit of payment . (or i take debt)

Now .. we can’t take things from nature .. we don’t do agriculture .. we don’t do production of our own .. so net net .. we can’t barter and have to depend on currency payment as means of any service or goods ..
so in the long run unless a person is super duper in his craft he is a looser and hell lot poorer for the amenities he can avail .. and the person who controls the unit of payment ( my company ) as an end result only gains . This is what i call as the necessity of the master .. any master ..

In fact currency as means of all our exchanges is the biggest social change that has happened in the western dominated flavor of economic progress .
Its not money or currency is bad but the compulsion of it ..

So when we say QE 2 etc will destroy the currency system .. there is a poetic justice happening ..
Of course the end result will be somewhere in between the 2 extremes of Currency as sole mean of payment vs no currency at all .

Further reading :

Misc Personal Write Ups and Downs

Ego , accident and a night …

The house was old and the building dirty and I was trying my best to hide my displeasure to my broker, Kiran  .Not sure if that was me acting practical and mature with my house hunt or was it effect of a full days of work at company .

“sir this is the only house you can afford , rest all are costly  ” , that was indeed a harsh statement coming from Ramesh . My broker Kiran, looked with a worried look into my eyes , knowing me…..  he was expecting a fight back answer
.But something , there was , today that made me very calm this evening . or may  be that I was not interested in comments third party broker……… oh yes, I too was surprised that I did not react to someone telling me what sort of budget I can afford for my house 🙂 ….

Hunt being hunt , we got out of that place and me and kiran rode our bike back to kothrud depot (KD) . KD a  funny place with a busy city bus depot located  at the main circle and a 4 lane way .Its a worst place  to ride your bike in pune . I was about to curse the traffic as we approached the cross roads..

“Careful ” Kiran shouted ….

and there she was , a lady .. 50 something was sitting on the road in middle of the heavy traffic .. I immediately felt the concern at the poor lady . you know , may be she was not able to cross the road in this traffic … or may be she was  picking something up from the road or something ..
.. I wondered how many possibilities my software mind was thinking off …split second it was , I though all this …
and split second it was for me the realize that old lady, was not sitting on the road …. she had her left feet stuck under a car …and nobody realized this …or may be none was able to hear her feeble screams ..

“shit” , I said and jumped from my pillion seat and rushed to the car , time had frozen may be …

I remember that the lady (lets call her geeta)…. had plastic bag in her hand and wearing an economy saree .. the car was maruti swift ..the numerous bikes surrounding us and the SRS travels bus that stood just beside geeta …much more and there I was standing in front of the car shouting for the driver to take the car reverse….

Ah , that look , the driver too was a lady .. not that it matters .. but the look of studious curiosity and frozen mind… unable to make decision …
I was sure the very moment that it was futile to expect the driver ( lets call her mona ) would be able to help … that’s it ….and I bent down … and started lifting the left corner of the car .. and the indeed we could make enough space for geetas feet to be pulled out ….. little did i realized that by  this moment  10 more people had joined me in this car lifting …….

the traffic was getting loud and restless … and geeta was in great pain….
“Where is the doc ?” , “Where the hell is the doc, isn’t anyone here a local ?” I shouted as i bent down to lift geeta and take her to some doc ..

there was firm no ……. in her eyes … don’t know how did I sense that …but there was that painful  “No” …and geeta limped her way to stand up …
and i moved my hands to open the doors of this swift …….involuntary .. not even caring to ask mona , if I should …

and may be there was no need … she started the engine and the car started moving almost instantly ….. a physical sensation of which i remember …
“Are you bleeding ?” ..”Whats your name madam ?” …”Do you want me to call someone ?”..

she looked up …I froze . Pain and helplessness and a futile effort to appear brave and graceful … that mix of emotion in eyes of geeta ..made me realize how out-of-place my questioning was …
“I have a mobile”  , it wasn’t the first sentence I was expecting to hear from geeta, and she bent to her plastic bag to take that out .

One glimpse ,…………
a “mangalsutra” full of only black bead and the tiniest of gold pendent in it ……and i realized … even without thinking …where and why that mobile answer came from ……
probably the best thing I did this evening was next 5 minutes …I shut my mouth up  …held hand of that lady ..and took her inside nearby hospital with the right flooring marking from

looking constantly in geeta’s eyes .. holding her limp hand   …age …pain …and silence … hadn’t felt them so clearly , recently  …

The Doc took over and announced it was non critical injury …the Xray et al ..

“Need I buy the medicines , I know this hospital” … Ah mona …I noticed …a 35 something …trendily dressed…and an upper class tone ..

I felt as if some one had puke all over the place with this question ….”you should ” , the maximum I could say … mona left for the medical downstairs …

and I moved to doctors cabin …geeta was in pain…
“Is everything ok doctor ?”
“Yes, don’t worry “….
“Then I can call my relatives to pick me up….”
My software mind was about to pick up the anomaly in this dialogue…and just when I was to inquire more……………… mona returned with the bandage etc …

dressing done geeta asked the doc … “Do i Have to come to you again ?” ..

okies, this is too much I thought …or may be this lady has trouble walking and that is why she is saying so , I thought .

“This is my number and I have holiday on Wednesday … so in case you need help , call me …..and I will take you to the doc for revisit” .. I said almost automatically …

“I make roties at people houses … there are four of such houses …that’s where I was returning from “…

yes… i began to understand things and I moved …almost mechanically….and took notes out of my  wallet and gave them  to geeta …she will miss a weeks of wage … 🙁

geeta looked into my eyes …. yes .. there was a thank you …or may be she said so … i dont remember ….but the money was returned to me …

I felt dumb … knowing not what to do …and the moment geetas relative ….. her sister and 2/3 men  entered the clinic …

“Did you do this ” …. geetas nephew asked  ..
“We didnt ” … kiran said …
“Don’t expect me to deal with these guys …. do you expect me to give her money ?” Mona ….
“Yes”… Me …

It happened almost simultaneously ….and last sentences of iPhone holding Mona made me numb …

Geeta started crying …after this much time … holding hands of her sister ….

“Dont cry , its ok” …geetas sister said ….
“She should” … I said …

somehow i began to understand geetas tears …….and the feeling…………….. of fighting……….. to show your brave and dignified face to life ….
contrasting that with…the intellectual apathy of mona  ..  it felt even more intense ….

…….. the feeling of helplessness in the  crusade for dignity in life  ………………
…………………. that realization was shattering many things in my mind today ..

yes .. tonight i cried ……..for someone else……for  a long while…. … after may years …..

and my decision of which locality my house for me and my old parents should  be ……  was made …