
The great attrition churn in Indian IT market

Of course, each business newspaper is telling you that attrition levels are high in so many IT companies in India .One gets to see huge percentage numbers cited in such news . But very few of such news present the the details of such movement leave alone the causes . A few article and posts did mention that last year due to covid the hikes were less or nil . But does that qualify such big jumps in attrition .

A deeper discussion with the folks exiting tells diff story . In some cases the women have realized ,after staying with kids for a year that their IT job is not that “needed”. In some cases the men have questions need of an IT job itself for livelihood .In many cases a lot of folks I talked to had farm or fathers business as a fall back .And the covid wfh allowed them to consider going back seriously .In some very sad cases ,friends had causality or very bad episode related to covid which made them question the need of city job away from near ones . A few youngsters told that a year at hometown they would do a start up because a formal IT office doesn’t excite them now.

Of Course mine is not a detailed study with lots of data .But it should tell that there are some fundamental shift in Urban-9.15hours-IT jobs that were seen as the thing in India for past decades .One might read some US based publication and call this quit job movement but that would be superficial .I would rather call this as reverse migration or some sort of coming full circle on Urban migration as option and IT job as the best lifestyle choice .Both have been challenged by covid. So next time someone says the people are jumping jobs for money , it might be t he symptom but the causes might be disillusionment .Oh and by the way you where thinking of allowing your team to work 2 days a week from home, right ? Welcome the HR challenge of the decade .

The paradigm has ,in this case ,actually shifted and we don’t exactly know where 🙂

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