Misc Write Ups and Downs

would the likes of IIM please stand and be counted ?

IIM A Logo

The idea of lending money to non worthy people at higher interest rates sounds good. Making bonds out of these loans and selling them sounds like a real clever trick .Something that an MBA lad can be promoted to many ranks higher to :)…..And thats sub prime for you , and its collapsing .The magnitude of this problem , wel as of now a trillion doller .And the effect …well it remains to be seen how far and deeply it hurts us .

But its not the damage that worries me .In fact some some people say that there might not be , after all , a great recession in USA and sub prime would be just like a bump across a long road. And that scares me even more .There is after all a limit to how far people can go with a shit [sorry but no better word to express…] . And to say that it will be managed somehow is even dangerous .

One need not be a financial wizard to find this out. The system has messed up with a trillion $ and some one has to pay for this.And thats as simple as that .

Unfortunately this simple fact seem to have been forgotten .By whom ? šŸ™‚ , well thats little tough to word .

If you meet an MBA graduated out of a business school its interesting to note how they contrast one idea with other …say efficiency versus effectiveness .The points that are made in such analysis are fine and sometimes subtle and the conclusion quite revealing.One can also see how cleverly data is put together to form patterns , predict things and plan things.A life where things live in balance sheets …between quarters .;the list of such wizardly mental feats is long and these are quite important to people in corporate world .It seems like they have found out the secret of how tings works in this worlds , like we can control future .

While i am not really into either confirming or denying this ,the fact remains that something somewhere is going wrong .

At a level they did confuse ends and means.At some point in the quest to manage and survive in competition it happened .The fallacy can be elaborated to death .But bashing some people for their mistakes isn’t .. progress anyway .

Its defeat of the masses that need to be blamed .

The western or more correctly the school of philosophy and logic from the pioneer of industrialized set of people has been ruling the world .The ideas and concepts that were proposed sounded revolutionary and they seem to have worked .And worked a lot. From globalisation to GDPs to massic currency exchagre rate the language that people thing in , the point of views that define good vs bad …everything was impacted .A new world order of right and better was set.And it set so strongly that it overwhelmed and overtook many of the longest surviving civilization .At times this also rendered thier ideas as outdated and obsolete . Today when we look at the wisdom in financial and coporate world its hard to appreciate diversity.And thats where the point lies .

Everyone everywhere began to do the same thing , so much so , that people stopped questioning .Nobody wondered how could consuming the finite resources can really result in progress of man kind .How could a company rellay exist if all you have is many instituations owning it without , always any passion apart from profit driving it .Or say what heppen to identity on the day we reach the destination of globalisation .And lastly how the hell can U make prosper from lending to ppl not worthy of it .

Its not that the mindset where such hard questioning can come from does not exist .But they all wherever they exist are overwhelmed .It can also be termed as death of local sense against the global norms of carrying out business .

And surpisingly this local sense is where lies the hope .

This is not to say that the harwards and yales are done with all they could nourish and give to world.But all these while they are all that was there as origin of new thought.Time has come for other soils to get into a kind of intellectual churning ,come up with their own thought on carrying worlds business and the synthesis that would result might just bring us to the best set of ideals for a sensible and meaning full of conducting affairs .

….would the likes of IIM please stand and be counted ?

Misc Write Ups and Downs

Why CNBC Awaz excites me .

Needless to say itā€™s a fine channel , coming from CNBC network .They serve excellent analysis on money and everything related to it .And the punch is ā€¦.its in Hindi .

Debates were always on in India , more so may be in the south ,that the generations that grow should grow in Indian language. It assumed different dimensions ranging from social engineering to something as obvious as TV channels. The overall subject of national identity and its future with respect to language is quite vast for this write up, but something thatā€™s can be a short and excellent case driving in the point is education. Like all other spheres of it India had it large share of experiments with teaching and language chosen as medium of instruction. The synthesis had many academic and political offshoots some of them quite extreme and some rather ridiculous .

And as usual, the masses did deliver the verdict , English is the way to educate yourself in India , something quite poetic to a Democratic country .

There are voices that say to retain our nation pride we must educate our pupil in our own languages and countries like Germany and all are often cited as example .And when all these people could make the decision , which they did , we see state boards schools teaching everything in Indian languages .And there were others who said in order to survive on globalized world we need to learn it all in English, and these voices , which often came from the masses seem to have won .There is no point detailing on how the medium of education and mastering a language can be and are tow different tasks and can be done equally well , because anyone who really thinks on this matter can realize this soon on his own .And to make it more clear this isnā€™t actually realized by most .

The experiment with all-in-own-language resulted in Science being taught in some really absurd and unimaginative vocabulary .And the other extreme is made evident by Indian middle classes fascination of English private schools .Interestingly tough the moderates, did come up with something called as semi English wherein few subjects were taught in English and others in some chosen language .But that was more of dividing the problem than solving it .

Something that surprises me is that both the sides do make the valid point and drive them halfway through , exactly where the solution would have emerged .The nationalist when say it helps to nurture children in their own language ignore that subjects like maths and science [as tought in school] arenā€™t what is grown in India. And the other side while trying to keep pace with world ignore that English isnā€™t what the kids think in . To be complete ;things are not so black and white and well separate as such and there is a generation that does think in English and so on .

The point thatā€™s complete lost in is by virtue of a simple mistake in approach taken to solve this .The over emphasis on ends that the means .And to put is very simply the whole story of a language chosen and education is that of relevance ! . Relevance then can be elaborated on different themes such as simplicity of usage , ease of conveying the subjects in the language , strategy of easing and incorporating new trends in subjects ..and many more academic divisions like that .

Relevance and lack of it is what made these experiments not so successful . And relevance is what CNBC Awaz made highlighted in it success . Its very simple here , the channel servers the content thatā€™s of use to the masses , it servers that in the language thatā€™s understood by them . To be fair that fact that science can be made extremely and deeply understandable in Hindi was first made clear by discovery channel .But theirs is more of a linguistic achievement ā€¦.

Any smart guy would use instead of saying account would use Hindi word ā€œKhataā€ and I personally wont waste time praising them for this J .CNBC Awaz not only came up with innovative words for Global and financial jargon but it also changed itself and accommodated and integrated to the lingo and mind and logic of Indian masses .And thatā€™s where you have day trading being effectively serverd in Hindi on a Channel from an Agency from outside India .

I could go on elaborating how well and distinctively CNBC did their task but the point in case is ā€¦. How they did it and the fact that they did it .What they did with finance and an Indian language is something that might just hold key to all answers and solutions on why and how can one do education in his own language .Its after all building better people while and before building a better nation .

Someone like CNBC did that here ..made the language and content relevant to each other, is doing it really well .And at times this Hindi version of channel is better that the English counterpart .Its not about the linguistic victory but the feat ā€¦that excites me ā€¦ā€¦
ā€¦ā€¦.profit from it ! ..thatā€™s the wish ..

Misc Write Ups and Downs

Why TZP makes me Sick …..

Taare Zameen Par [ TZP ] is a good movie and Amir khan can be congratulated for bringing dyslexia as a theme of an Indian movie.

But them somehow ,i dont really feel the movie is all abt dyslexia or even status of education in india .The movie has a strong undercurrent of a Fathers palce in a childs life ….More so is …a fathers place in sons life.

Coming in terms with fathers has never been easy for Sons . Infact this as an occurance seldom happens .There are generally 2 extremes , either He has a place of God , not to be scanned critically or a complete and convenient ignorance .Its just left there ….like a coiled spring , generations after generations .And that is what ensures the phenomenon continues.

Producing a Man , one more Man in this world is concept thats thrilling to Men .And this ,which is sledom acknowledged as DADs attitude towards Sons is central to this theme.Sons are seen as extension of the Egos by DADs much like sowrds used to be in earlier times.And this adds quite an amount of expectation and possession on the Son.Posession is something that keeps the worlds going.They say Boyz dont grow only the toyz do .And a son is a power toy.

Its definitely not that all Fathers are the same or any such generalization .The point however is the differance between love and love for a reason .The reason can assume several shades and so does the relation of DAD with the son…Caring …Abusive …Neglected …pampered …even pure and truely loving …so on …so forth.

Its because the kids life is controlled by some one , its very important that once grown up a critical analysis of this process and if needed some new decisions should be made by each of us.Easy as this is to say , such review of authority figures[or for that matter any past relation] can be painful when you realize you where loved for a reason and not loved enough….or at all ! .Those who bear this and manage to review lives are what you would see around as examples of Happy people .

We should give parents their due share of being human and being fallible in decisions they made for the kid.Once can also say that Men are not wired to be emotional.But i think its stretching the justification too far. Men are just not used to give attention to subtle-basic-long term things.Or may be.. they are just never told that they don’t.

None needs an explanation that Mother is the one (usually) one that teaches the child Love and how to Love . And Fathers …well…. lets say protection or say they tell the boy how to be a Man .
But then do they really tell the boyz how to be a Man , coz in that case there wont be anything to mention abt.What actually happens is Fathers tell the Sons What is it to be Man .And this is what is the catch !

A Father is kids concept Man .Or incase things are bad , its his concept of how not be a Man.But in wither of the cases he is the one that rules .Rules ……….a child’s contract with Authority Figures . Its a seed that defines almost everything related to authority , howz , whats , what Nots etc .Its this authority…this concept of Control, as the kid grows up , he adds his own observation and makes a Final contract of his life. And this time its about Power .

And we dont any elaboration on how and what Good and Bad …………..can be -was- and will be affected by Men Plus Power equation .

And the Sad part is….. this equation lacks , again for one more time, for one more generation , the same things .The adamantness of being correct , the insistance on control,the emphasis on possession, the lack of scope for any other point of few ….and for the worst part the ability to love …or ….to love …just like that…for no reason …themselves …….their sons…often enough ………

[No gender bias , this blog is abt Sons] .
[This one is a writeup.. not my Dairy].

Misc Write Ups and Downs

You … ..what next ?

being a person wasnt ever a big deal as its now , blame it on advertisers if u already know where it came from …or a little of it can be attributed to western+post industrialized way of philosophy [ if thats how we could call it ].

its when we produce more than what we need , we needed the way to sell it .And dont you make a mistake of assuming its about physical goods . Its good plus the researches that went on …the theories that were formalized ….the new layer and groups that evolved in human interaction . we produced more and we produced a still smarter ways to get ppl used to it [ perhaps the deadliest of the weapon ].

And the center of all this happend to be the person , the man ..the comman one …was invented and was sold as the frist concept and lo ..u got a great unit to deal it .And the formula was then on quite simple , weave everything around the common man and u got all of them that exist in your grip .people wud buy in ;coz; either its for a common man or just becoz it isnt .A very solid and lil less evident of this is democracy and the most obvious one might just be coke .

You center the focus on the common man , build aspirations , sow dream , capitalize on myths and if none useful create new one .Thats what went on , if one analyzes the concept of love as popularized by Hollywood flicks and damn it ………….., ppl go crazy on these stuff even without realizing whats going on and more dangerously where its going on .

I am not much perturbed by the fact that individuals are being manipulated . To be honest , manipulation was core of the society as it got formed when homo sepians formed groups . Whats more distubring is , individuals are being seeded to stop thinking on the lines of being an individual .Humanity was never encouraged to be so dumb.

Thats deadly and that what the concept of being a person makes the picture more clear .We personalized the god , the religon , the food , the recreation on till sex [ on lines of orientation ] and then on the existence .Its every where that we are told to be your self .
And that really is the biggest shot .

It not to say one need not be your self and live life his/her way .That would be real great .And thats not so easy .One could go on arguing the virtues on existence, point is how many of us are actually so much aware of self .We , i feel ,lost it long back when the word emotion and relations were invented.And thats where love became a need than a want.So when one says its by free will , its prudent to questions how independent is free will .To cut it short it usually isnt , at least to the extent its been exploited .

Enter our concept of freedom,enjoyment , quality time ,relations … being in love — real love , living ones own life, career ..achievement and the one begin to see that these concepts are not the one that are bad .What bad is the way everybody is made to subscribe it.It almost like mediocrey being enforced on us all by the name of being special .

As a cross refernce we could also mine the reasons as to why ppl are less happy , relaxed etc in these time , if we choose to connect these question to what i have said above .But for short ….every one of the common man ..the guy on street is finally individual …and in fcat more and more individaul .And more lonely too.Consumption became virtue ,thast where you get multiple IDs , credit cards , emails and so on .The person and individual concept is carried too far to have many many IDs for the same guy .And then the question …the million doller one arose …who to do with them .

Either you go on creating more and more IDs for ur self , In all areas of life .But hey that kinda of looses meaning .Thanks god we still realize it .But then hey …what do do now you have reached so far …

There is a solution …after all the great marketing wheel just cant stop .The way is pass time with it …celebrate it . Celebrate your being individual.Blogs , communities , groups and then You tube .Dont stop ,Broad cast …yourself !

May be we are closer to some destination on this journey . And we better do , before all the things , that used to be precious , friends, having character, kindness , adjustment , art ..and so on …start to loose meaning .We do …lest it too late …too far, for us .

The answer to title question is …you tube ..and then you mirror and then you vanish .After all … being a person wasn’t ever a big deal and its now And it wasn’t so essential as its now…. wasn’t ever a big pain as its now .

__ S B D __

Misc Personal

Reached Pune : Mar 1, 2007

Finally after 15 years [ oops days I mean days…looks like being in infy for years …affecting me :)] …i was blessed with a house for rent [ againg sachin …look at ur language ]…….:)
oh yes….pune was cool { when i landed here } ….
now its hot ………coz …..its summer here … šŸ˜€ ..
yup ….change of location …ppl and office …finally on saturday i wud be shifting to my 6200 PM + 30k deposit + 12k borkarage house ……yeah they charge it twice …the rent …as brokrage …..[ infy HR ….save me …reimburse more borkrage …or gimme another cit*…oops i cant say that šŸ™ ]…
its a cool office with cute mess out here …where security gives u lecture …the taps aint fixed for days…and yes….In canteen u get live food ….for eg : Live Jilabi …Live chinese …:))))))))))))))…………
the only time the food had connection with dead …was …when i found dead insect in my canteen food …:(…………[n am alive …c something other abt the food is live …!! ]
and the Best part is the building i sit it=n ……
its a cement construction housed……….. in an Egg shaped glass structure ….[ some ppl debate its …Kaddu …some says its …UFO ..but i like egg …coz all my gud frnd like egg ]……………the other day …sm1 told me that our bldg is supposed to be a pearl …[ and r we worms then ! ] ….and the other bldg are ships and all that stuff …….dunno who and from where is gonna see all this …Heavenly …eH.
The cubicle …are so small ….that the other day …. after having assured myself that if i trun on my chair …i wont by any chance hit my neighboure …..i told him that he needs to use Doe ….but Einstein …..i was alone thre ….so started bathing twice a day ….and for all the extra water wasted ….and any head injuries if i really hit him by turining my hear around …in this small cubicle ….shall be entirely attributed to the cubicle …i am not responsible [ for all this I mean ]….
oh yes …the point is …this glass egg ..where v r suposed to work….acts like oven …post noon …and all my computer screen goes white and i see sun in it [ … in higher planes of ..existance ..i c ..] …..the first day i couldnt do any work except taking my wet towel from my bag and spearding it for drying …[ had the glass been fully transparent one cud have shown from outside that the corner of Fourth floor where the towel is hanging is mine …u dont believ this happend …so dint KG….now he is witnees to this ….I love KG šŸ™‚ (now KG is gud frnd of mine…thats it..its he šŸ™ …]
intrestingly to save ppl from this sun-burn and all …they have draped …curtains ….red in color…..around the inner construction …and through the day i feel like i am having lunch in some Indian wedding ….. :D…
and at the lower floors ppl sit with umbrella …………God …..of small umbrellas …

oh yeah …pune and the ppl [ some of them i mean …] is matter of seperate email …i shall send that …after i identify and eliminate puneites from mailing list [ …scary …having to do this …aint it …]

Misc Utils : Useful Info

New Gas Connections : How to Go About it

Its obviously my own experiences with getting a new gas connections that lead to this post .

In short J

0.0a> If you call Area Managers- Sales Officer from Gas distributions , and talk in pleasant manner J ā€¦ it works !!

0.0b> Donā€™t argue with the ladies on counter in distributors office , note down the lies they tell you and call the sales officer-raise complain.

1 > Ration card is not mandatory as address proof [ pls check individual vendor website for acceptable proofs ]

2> You need not purchase Hot Plate [ sigdi ] from the distributor . There is no rule as such .

3> A typical cylinder connections would cost somewhere around ; 850 deposit + 300 [ refill ] + 2-300 [ for tube and regulator ] .Thats it .

4> Companies never instruct distributors to allocate or not allocate new connections in any particular week-date or month . [ wel I was told that company has stopped issues new connections in March End or in later half we issue only second connections for existing users only ].

5> In case you donā€™t purchase hot plate from company , you are supposed to Use an ISI marked Hot plate .Thatā€™s it .

6> Inspection at the time of first delivery from the distributor is already paid for at the time of new connection .Donā€™t pay them again , no tips.

7> The ppl delivering cylinder would point out problems with gas leak and are not supposed to and qualified to repair any problems with hot plate .

While you should get the leakage problem corrected , you can choose you own repairman .

8> Donā€™t bribe/Tip the delivery guy .Home delivery means delivering the cylinder into your kitchen and replacing it . For free.

9> when you call the distributor for a refill it is your Right to enquire ā€“ request ā€“ instruct cylinder delivery at a particular time of working hours ,

Its pretty acceptable if

you want to take delivery in person @ distributors office or

you want them to deliver the refill at your neighbors house [ obviously your neighbor should have your passbook with him ].

General WebSites

Indian oil-Indane :

Bharat Gas :

HP Gas :

Complaints /Escalations / clarifications :

Indane Gas : ==>Talk to Us ==>LPG Complaints [ emails ] [ Phone Numbers ]

Bharat Gas : [ Phone Numbers ]

HP Gas : [ register and complain ]

ā€¦..wat happened to me ā€¦.i suffered for 15 days ā€¦then called the area managers of Indane Gas @ Mumbai and then pune and ā€¦wowā€¦.i got connection in next 10 minutes ā€¦.that too in march end .