Misc Write Ups and Downs

The one who loves less …rules the relation

There is truth in this line that made me think . The one who loves less rules the relation .
Its represented the practical side of love relationship .

Human relationship were always about power equations . The most obvious is the relations that we have with a co passengers . The most notorious ones are that of deception and deceit .
And the most empowering one …. that of love .

Now that’s a contradiction i made ! if love was all this selfless , empowering and complete experience and relation … then when did a practical side of it got developed .

Rather whats the genesis of this practical side of love and the balance of power in it ?

May be the answer lies in the way love is being developed these days . Hang on , I ain’t saying that love these days is less genuine than it was earlier . Even with the fast life that we live reaching such heights is possible, of course !! .

The problem I feel is from the things that aren’t love . Its the relations and the various shades of it that are being treated as love .

There are always satisfying relations and states of being that are equally liberating as love relation . There is affection , there is attraction , there is intimacy , there is affinity and there is friendship .

Now i wont go on defining all these and i know that everyone is able to differentiate between all these relationships in his own way . Please also note that I did not mention infatuation since i believe it doesn’t exist but its a derogatory term for relations people cannot make sense of .And the best part is its in these relations the power equations are more worldly than love .
Of course its a generalization .

But the point I am making its that apparently our generation has a big burden on its head .
And that’s of falling in love . That’s of being in love relation with something .Its this burden that we color and insist that all other types of close relations that can and do exist between 2 people , be love .

Its this deliberate or inadvertent camouflage that ppl take for love that develops the practical side of love .
Love for oncegrows , the speed can vary for people but the steady growth which lasts life long is the main charecteretics of love when compared to other relations .

And with all the fairness each relation has it own growth cycle .And this cycle goes for a toss when the people are in hurry to fall in relations . Coz its when relations are left on their own to grow the natural balances between 2 people and all aspects of them develop . this is what makes relations so fulfilling and enduring . This is what makes people surrender their egos and rise above their level.

Love or otherwise , there is a constant hurry and pressure that is there with us , to be always and quickly be in relations . May be its the side effect of the economic and social changes . or may be our generation just don’t know how to deal with the unprecedented power that these changes gave them .

The net result is ,we tend to develop relations than let them develop on their own .
And its when such choices are made power equations and practicality over weights the quality of relation , its meaning and that of life is general .

The funniest part is , we all , rather most us do it ….and we all think we don’t .

And then sometime … we wonder .. why doesn’t life sound so great ..
why doesn’t love feel like ecstasy

the difference ………. my friend is that of masterpiece and mass production .

ps : i aint disparaging the GF/BF culture . In fact i find it very practical … so long ppl keep the definitions clear ..

economics Misc

6 May 2009 : Will markets crash

its quite common sensicle to say that the market is ripe for a fall .Funny thing is it can go up even more before such a fall .

And that bring us to the important point .
Why did the market rise in the first place ?
remember the rise was vigorous so the reason has to be strong enough .And its when this reason is violated the market will fall [ not dip … but fall ] .

even if one forgets the fundamentals and monitory situation by popular concepts the market rose since the US and recession showed signs of some recovery .

Now for any down circuit day the same recovery should come under question .
So in absence of some negative outcome from bank stress test or some moment of truth sort of news from US there can not be a severe fall !! .

Point I am raising is where you are an economist/fundamentalist type or you are the one who follows popular media chances are the most you will be wrong in judging the extent of the fall . By fundamentals the markets should be at bottoms and by popular media there need not be much fall , say nifty holding 3000 .
As is clear from above one should check his own reasons and logic before believing in the fall and the estimated extent of it .

At a fundamental level we can take a strong cue from fall of chryslar and lehman .There are reasons to suspect that these are the test cases to measure the chaos .The real institution in danger are under the wraps . And its from such institution that the surprise or bolt from the blue comes [ and fortunes made ! ].

On the same line one need to put all good and bad corporate news in perceptive . In recession time when tata gets full subscription for nano which means some solid thousands of ruppes should one give a damn of how many times ppl expected them to be subscribed ?RPL merger wasn`t a crown jewel of corp governance then why bother about the same getting confirmed .Air tel made more subscription even in recession so did HH showed decent bike sale . interestingly ICICI shot for what reason ? was it welcome to new CEO ?
in the event where IT ppl [as a case in point for high flying jobs] who primarily escalated house price in most of cities , are facing salary and job cuts how can Banks be a good place to invest !…

and in the event one is trader shouldn`t he think more about simple indicators like volume and price trends .

stray thoughts … few question …. no offense meant .

Misc Write Ups and Downs

Interpersonal Skill and the need of it ….

The other say my junior came to me and apologized for smth she did not do well .
“Sorry sir , I am not good at communication skills” .
Not that the mistake was trivial but this confession kind of got stuck …

Somehow there seemed to be a right way of saying things .
That was the communication skill under discussion .
Somehow it seemed that everyone , almost every one at workplace was supposed to have them .
And every one is supposed to have them the same right way .

I am amazed at genesis of such developments .
They say ignorance is bliss ………………..
And the whole stuff of interpersonal skill is centered around making these ignorance known .
Known to people so that they can acquire and improve them .
to me this seems like a huge burden , one is supposed to know the right thing to do or say .
And what amazes me further is that the fact that each one us is made different .
Then how is that there is one magical skill/s that fits and cures all our problem .

Nopes I am not making a case against social appropriateness . The manners and etiquette’s relevant to the situation we are in must be followed .
And luckily most of human beings have them by the time they grow up .

Its what happens after that makes me disturbed .If you observer all / most of the skill that are tught have one common thread .
Its about being manipulative in a non villainous way .
Its about suppressing yourself and saying/doing things the way it would please others .
Restrain and suppression in this case are to similar but distinct thing .
I wonder , how much such kind of faking it really makes people happy .
And more especially how long ?

We might have huge benefits by being practical and acquiring such skill .
But the point remains is if all your life one has lived a fake self then isn’t that what he / she really is ?
This is where may be the answer lies …
Being how much polished is………. natural ?
and where does the boundary between necessity and compulsion lie …….?

or in our journey of being professional , being the resources for being productive we have lost this distinction .

or is it that some one who wanted to design the modern productive working society has forgotten that everyone cannot be best in the same way .So any effort of enforcing such forced adaptation goes against the very reason of why …………………we wish to work and earn .

…….the reasons of progress and happiness . For everyone , all together …. being unique !

Misc Personal

Wass Up …

the answer is nothing much ..:)
an IT managers life is boring .. 🙂 …jokes apart … I just came back from a marathi move “Me shivaji …” . Its kind of munnabhi theme woven around the issue of common man with some pieces of son of soil thrown here and there .

The movies started the usual debate with my roomie .The status of our country . It wandered around all the usual issues . And as U know from own experiences there was no sure conclusion 🙂 . The last line where we stopped the discussion was what can a common man do .

That line puncher-ed the heat that was there . the question scares me … a lot . For I am a man still in search of balance between practical and ideal . My friends know which side I am on .

I wanted to share a incident . There was this share trading site i used . It would go down most of the times the stock markets made big moves .That kind of frustrated me .
And i raised a complaint with SEBI .Honestly speaking I didn’t expect anything from it .
Surprise , surprise !! there was a letter from SEBI acknowledgment the complaint .A letter from National stock exchange , NSE, followed .Soon the site ppl called me and explained their side . The best part of all this was that they have now launched a low bandwidth site . This site is supposed to work under heavy load .
The chapter was closed .

I don’t claim any victory . The matter it self is quite old .The list of such incidents is long one for me and I wish not to brag about it since that’s not what i am after .
For me it was simple case of calculating the trouble i wanted to take .May be the risk was well within my limit , may be I was plain lucky this time . I simply am not sure .

But that’s where my balance lies for now . Its of making and effort within my powers and then letting it go . Someday I hope to find a real balance . Or may be someday I will be a real smart kid who minds his own business . or may be some day I will become a pure idealist .The chances of me vacillating are more and more realistic too .

Prakash , one of my friend ,every time he meets me his eyes ask for what next I did .
………………………Looks like the search will be on and so will be my experiments .

The latest update is that my senior sort of warned me to keep my heroism under control at workplace since we are in recession .
And I , with all sincerity to his advice , is moving on in trying to protect my self and the conscience that books have give me ….

economics Misc

The G20 Eyewash ..Global economy headed for more pain

Doing lip service has never solved any problem . No wonder 2009 G20 meet held in London is ineffective on the same count . While Mr brown looked confident in his dealing Mr Obama appeared very unsure .

No i am not to pass a judgment on economic acumen of these leader . I simply don’t have that much of immunity . But the declaration @ the end of G20 meet is something to be analyzed in detail . For it contains the actions that were not done in order to solve the current crisis .

The G20 solution for world economy looked like this .
1> Increase of few hundred billion dollars in IMFs kitty as SDR .
2> Establishing greater transparency in tax heavens , name and shame them .
3> Global coordinated stimulus .

Wel that’s the crux of it in layman’s language . This is supposed to solve the current crisis .
But what crisis are we facing in reality ?

Is it sub prime ? wel yes and now . In reality sub prime loan isn’t what this recession is all about .Sub prime is first of the symptoms of the things that went wrong .
The real crisis that we are staring at is that of unregulated derivatives and complete lack of maturity .

You would have heard the word over leverage and toxic asset many time in recent past .Simply put toxic asset is one which has no value or chances of recovery of the loan in foreseeable future .Loans were simply given to people at weak criteria . Loan that were given at low rates on the name of socialistic themes like house for all . That was the first fundamental mistake .The real mistake was to make pieces of such loan and sell derivatives of them to other bank . And the next layer of mistake came from the institutions that insured the loan .

Look the mess now . Its like same mistake multiplied 3 times . Taking such a repeat and excessive positions on small money can be simplified and called as over leverage . That is what the CDO and CDS all about . By some estimates this amounts to from 16 trillion to 600 trillion .
The number by both counts is horrifying .

But more horrifying is the fact that its the same money circulated many times . That makes the problem complicated to solve financially .

While the crisis began like this there is complete denial in the leadership of this issue . Bail out after bail outs are give to banks to clean up the loans . Where as in reality such loan cant be cleaned up in such a straight fwd way . This said we head for the next crisis which is of confidence . Since all of the lender knows the other one is tied in loan none is leading money to each other and the bail outs end up only in balance sheets . The real economy is still suffering .

let me ask U one simple question : What happens to a person who has drunk too much wine .The answer is simple either he digests it which is a long and painful process . Or he vomits it all which is a shocking and painful process . Wel there is one more option which is giving him medicines that partly make him digest the wine and partly throw it out of his body .

This third solution might hold the key to present problem but that’s a very rational decision . Rational and bold [ and mostly un popular ] decision takes visionary leadership to execute it .

So in realistic term our economy patient has 2 choices . Eat it or vomit it .In financial terms vomit ting will map to series of mergers , restructuring and bankruptcies .

Where as digesting the toxin means that the world settles all these loans in hard money . Of course prevailing wisdom in today’s world doesn’t suggest that we are going to save and earn so much money just to clear the mess we created . The mindsets aren’t so patient and mature .
So whats gonna happen in reality is that Governments , in particular US keeps on printing money at regular intervals so that the debt is cleared . Call this as quantitative easing . Another variation of this can be that of devaluing the currency so that overnight the money doubles and the debt figures looks too small and easy to manage .

Both case are result of smart and dishonest policy and both result in playing with the very definition of money and value . Just enough to clear the debt .

The G20 was the summit who was to solve this issue . SDRs which are essentially another name of bundle of few currencies like USD and EURO and all doesn’t server the purpose .Arresting tax heavens cant solve the problem though it might arrest it in future 🙂 [ assuming ppl are dumb to use same tactic again for deception ] .

What does that mean to ppl like us , actually noting . The G20 just created a feel good and postponed the day of reckoning . Remember the huge losses , debts and lack of money flow is still missing . In effect the issue is unaddressed .

I wonder if US and allies can convince G20 + for simultaneous quantitative easing . I wonder if non USD countries will gather the gutz to ask for new currencies .
Till such a thing happens we will keep on revisiting the same toxic assets which are now renamed as legacy assets , again and again , with increasing frequency .

The lay off are hitting India now , soon the salary cuts will follow .
Ignore the rise in stock markets in April . Ignore the profit that citi can report . Ignore the dip in gold prices [ it will shine in time of crisis] . The problem is still there , large and worsening .

Caution : More pain ahead …..

Misc Write Ups and Downs

India Awakening ? : Will Election 2009 will be diffrent ?

The jagore campaign was all around me . Some thousand people from my company registered for voters list . The feeling was overwhelming and I had to really wait for long time to get rid of that influence .

While jagore and allied campaigns might be limited in their reach , considering the size that India is of , it marks beginning of a new trend in this country .

For this was first successful campaign centered around citizenship . It will be interesting to see how much this affects the elite and translate into votes .

And if that happens this small % of new voters might change the result. I stick to might as a verb here especially considering the fact that most of our constituencies are rural 🙂 .

What amazes me about 2 diff things that are happening this time .
The first one is the sleek advertisements that BJP and Congress has put in place .

Full marks should be given to the ad agency that designed congress TV ads . They are top notch .
The usage of “jai ho” song might go down as a brilliant choice . But can such gimmicks change poll results ? … Now i don’t confuse myself with political analyst 🙂 but slogans and catch lines have their strong place in any campaigning . And this time they are too good . This time they are very filmy .

The second fact is how certain people are about the poll outcome . Almost everyone is sure of we getting a hung Parliament . The certainty is amazing . Somehow its so over the top that I feel the poll outcome might shock everyone . Or I hope so 🙂 that we get stable govt.

We never know , say some news on economics or Pakistan front might come in middle of election and change the outcome . But that’s wishful , I admit and I stop 🙂 .

Equally amazing is how people have written congress off . Looks like all TV pundits are more sure of congress’s poor show than a hung parliament . May be they are right , may be manmohans and sonia’s magic wont work ,
i take no side . Its just that I love underdog stories .
They are so so dramatic that it almost feels like democracy ….. !

Misc Write Ups and Downs

Who is Ben Harburg and why does he matter : Happy Intellectual

Happy Intellectual is an interesting concept .Some how i find this as oxymoron .

Lets say for the sake of simplicity that an intellectual is a person who thinks . He [ gender neutral ] is someone who always thinks . He thinks about everything that happens around him .He tries to reason everything that goes around him and every thing that goes on but not around him 🙂 .
This is the guy who relies more on reason and logic than customs and rituals . Such a reliance often lead this person to question things . Such questions then begets agreements and disagreements over things .And then on an intellectual person starts taking stand . Stand for things he thinks and believes in . This is kind of a raw energy that has potential to shape things . Call it power of thought if we wish .Consider this a brain power 🙂
Cut to real life an intellect is either a rebel or he is into his own shell . But the power remains .

Lets move to over next type . A Happy person . He is someone ,everyone likes to be .Here is happy person who cheerful about life and things that go on . He is optimistic about tings that go around him and accommodates whatever happens with a smile .
I wonder where does such an sanguine outlook of the world come from . Is that a happy person is more acceptable towards thing .Must be .One cant be at peace with things he cant accept .
At cognitive level ,scientist say , being happy is being wel adjusted .So may be our Happy person dint accept things as they are but he compromised. Its like acceptance of convenience .And its also about ignoring the inconvenient .
Life as harsh and unfair it can be is a rough thing to deal with and digest .And i find such a compromise for the sake of feel good as quite practical .Its just the acceptance of human limitation and weakness . But once , the books say , we accept things as they are life become easier . It becomes easy . Such ease makes one optimistic about future . And this spreads cheer in ones dealing . This makes our Happy person .

We come across both these types . Somehow the intellectual person isnt that happy . And the happy person isnt that questioning . We find both of the normal .

I dont have any final verdict on what the right thing . But at fundamental level i disagree with both these types . Somewhere i find them extremes .Extremes in their belief that everything should be logical or nothing should be . Extreme in their practice or determination and immediate acceptance .
Somewhere at deeper level both make evident tow of the very strong tendency of human nature . While the intellectual signifies spirit of human mind and its might the happy person exemplifies our insatiable need of assurance .Without again taking a side i feel both of these are going for one sided and over simplified world view .
Its like one person choosing to always fight and one … never .

We as human race might still spend ages trying to figure out exactly how powerful human mind is . We as human race might go on getting philosophical and expound the virtues of acceptance .

Enter our Happy intellectual . This is an interesting category . Its of the people who understand that life is struggle to being with but the end can be a compromise . or may be the other way round . Point is its the Happy intellectuals non pursuel of a static view of world that makes it exciting . This is the person who is always cool with ever changing reality and still ready to negotiate his way out . He embodies the best of our fighter spirit and our sentimental flexibility .
He for once is the person who can switch between material and spiritual realms of our existence with ease .
To me thing signals an immense power . Its the flaring human mind that’s under control . Its the gushing human emotions that are under supervision . Its an enterprising human mind that values people .Its the realization that world need to be improved but not altered to suit ones convenience . Its the determination life needs to be enjoyed and be fought for .
Its of the people who has power to change things and the maturity to know what needs to changed why and how and most importantly how much .

Ben was one such person , i met in flight when i was drunk . One of such a person i know .and the reason why he matter is he is intellectual and he is happy .

Misc Write Ups and Downs

Anjali Waghmare , Ajmal Kasab and Democracy

As a teen i used to have big complaints on my friends forgetting to wish me birthday .Its was a simple funda for me then . Anyone one who wishes me on the day was my real friend .Nopes i dint confuse between great friends and routine ones . But someone who cares to remember my birthday was really my friend . Later when i grew up the fundae also changed . But i cant still laugh at my criteria of really friends . It was a rather simple and practical consideration .Some how the act of doing something so basic as saying Happy Bday assured the sanctity of the relation . I still go with the funda .doing things matter [ not so abt the converse though ].

Mumbai Attack on Taj and Trident were no small event for India .Much has been writeen about them and as the time passes its becoming more evident that this incident is going to shape India big time .More especially its considerations on nationalism .

I wish to draw attention to the other aspect where its going to make bigg difference , Indian democracy . As as institution its maturing .The way Mumabi blast prosecution is being handled makes the same thing evident .
Patriotism apart the basic things that happeing in and around Ajmal Kasabs trial is the case in point. Consider this Here is a nation infamous for Godhra and the mumbai attack . Here is the terrorist accused cought for Mumabi attck , looking all healthy . There was no news of any kinda of religious abuse towards this guy . He is presented in court and given a fair trial .

If you are not Indian or don’t believe much in Indian judicial system I wont argue with you .
But the fact that Ajmal Kasab has been given a govt laywer . The fact that Ms Anjali Waghmare is determined to fight his case . The fact that there is going to be detailed court trial does establish the sanctity of Indian democracy . No big claims that this is something so great about India .Rather its a sigh of content that the system is sane and working .

U know what the daughter of Hemant Karkare , the cop who died in mumbai attack said about kasab ” Release him , he is rather young can be/is mislead ” .May that’s something unique to this soil .. may be ..

Misc Personal

Wass up …

Long time i wrote a …. I must be getting old …nopes this aint what I feel but theory says that such symptoms are indication of growing up jokes apart , now arent the days i feel like sending sooooooo many emails ….or may be its side effect of me not having married yet , or so people has convinced me of .
thats a perrenial question i face these days …and some time i wonder that this get married soon is a great conspiracy that goes on in India ….its like perpetual torture to get lads married …………:) …seriously speaking am damn serious abt marriage now and i will get married this year …. just matter of luck when how and who you marry to ….or so people day when they repent their luck or decison making …okies this is bad comination ..intellectual PJs !
folks …we are in damn hard time … looks like my companey is gonna reduce effective salary to half of what it is ….my Jan salary might be the highest i wud get in 2009 .
and we might not see such salary figures for years to come ….me sacred ….? not really ….if my stint in stock market and reading atb economics for past 3 years is of any meaning ….then this time its gonna be togh .teh US has toxic derivatives of 40 times the currency available …am note sure whether they would go for quantative easing or embrace a complete liquidation of doller .whereter its gonna be keynesian economics ruling the eco political scenario or would it nature taking care of its balacne remains to be seen ..
now i aint an advisor in NBC or bloomberg i profess simple …indain stuff to say …saty away from stcks ..unless u know what it is .save all the money you can …No big buyz …no agressive EMIs …buy gold …thats goona shoot like hell .the intrest reates should get low first and then inch higherindai and IT should remain stable but we will pay cost for it
expressing in simple language …the doller is in danger …BOA , GS , GM ..UBS ..RBS …GE all are technically bankrupt [ insolvent ] …or the US itself is …whether it happens as a shock or unfolds slowly …is the onyl choice ..
i dont expect you to take it on face value …but saving money and thinking before getting loan isnt really an advice for Indiands …i willl try and fwd few articles …in coming days ….hope that helps …
till then watch out for US bailout and stay healthy and happy …..

Misc Write Ups and Downs

26/11 Mumbai Attacked : Will India Awake

The question hurts !.

The answer seems to be obvious but still … India has a long way to go in the process of respecting itself .

The attack was unprecedented in many respects. There was this generation and whole of india who started watching live action as it started .Boradcasted across network it had a moviegoers thrill in the eyes of many watching .Yes there was anger and a sense of being insulted when the siege continued for days but that too shows the naivety that we collectively have for such situations .
While we salute the brave police officers many of us have tough time ignoring that the ATS chief died with an out dated Armour in place .
While we appulaud the commandos we have tough time too ignoring the delays the system made .
Mumbai attack shattered many things along with the pride of Indians .
Its now a nation coming in terms with reality .Its people are realizing the sweet assumptions that we had aren’t so ! .

This India is now demanding action .And for a time after many years Indians started to realize that we are asking at the wrong place .
Its this india who is facing the moment of truth .The truth that we ignored and compromised the very basics standards that need to be followed to make a good society a great republic .Its this painful process of self examination that we are going through leaves me with hope that we may finally evolve to the questioning and uncompromising nation that we historically were know to be .

This is not to say that we or any other nation could avoid such incidents in future .Infcat i strongly believe thats its India who has the philosophical maturity to solve the problem of it at fundamental level .
But not in this incident .This was a case of terror and national insult and we must be candid in acknowledging that this is also a case of nation ignorant and unprepared ! .

To me Mumbai attacks aren’t unprecedented because they killed so many people or because they took hostage .It for reason subtle and far more effective for social psyche that makes them defining for India .

consider this :
This was the attack on foreign nationals most notably Israelis . This was also attack on the riches and not some train passenger .This was the attack happening on the background of rise of the term called hindu terror . This was the Most uncommunal aattck we had .This was the aattck where Muslims in mumbai denied access to their graveyard for terrorist burial .That to me , my friend is life defining moment for this nation .
Most notebly this was the attack in the age of media .This was the time where we had pakistani journalist participating in TV debates .It was in the face , like a slap , awakening the masses that unknowingly chose to pretned to sleep .

But now, somewhere it takes some amount of pain to call ourself that great of nation and super power in making .And this kind of feeling is frustrating .While i observe an event in making i pray that we feel more angry than frustrated , for its the former that leads to action . The later is just a drama done for self satisfaction .

While its too cute to believe that condy rices’s visit to Delhi was just a goodwill gesture .
The main question is will we go on war ?

The answer my friend in NO .

Not that i take side on we going or not going on war .The main question that won’t let me sleep is will the generation remember that we chose not to go on war ?
Will the generation never forget this choice made for progress as price paid and later channelize this in greater and universal benefit .

The main question is how far we will remember this day ?,will be take instant decision or will we stop compromising on principles? …will we improve the sum total of us …the nation ….?

the real question is …will india awake and arise ?!