
Value Transitions at Work

Value Transitions .

Every time you read about grooming teams or individuals you would hear that they need to have role clarity . A clear definition of what their new role is ,what is expected of them by A/B/C/D/E/F and G. Its a separate fact that at many places even this doesn’t happen .But people eventually figure it out ,to the best of their ability .

What they invariably fail to also realized that with each role the values they believe in also need to change. Say you are an expert developer ,who takes pride in producing “prefect” code .Now that you have grown up or the team has ; you get promoted to a Lead . How do you now extract “perfect” code from multiple people ? Sure there are reviews and test cases ,but how do you get code as perfect as you would have done ?

This is really the moment where your values are challenged. Left unchecked it can easily morph into micromanagement , playing favorites (to the geek developer just like you) or even pent of resentment (about them).

What has to really happen is that this tech lead has to know that his value has to change from being perfect to being watchful , from being particular to being mindful ,from being meticulous to being organized .

Because as the role transitions from individual to lead they levers you used to pull have changed so has the values that make you select these levers .

Just to be comprehensive you values would get challenged with every change i.e. role/team/project/economy/Time .

Just to be void confusion : habits are different hurdles to cross than values .Its easy to vocalized about habit but things that are part of your individual success process(ISP) are difficult to identify for the individual ,leave alone transitioning them .Values are the foundation of your ISP .

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